“The AI Transformation of the Financial Sector”

April 28, 2025. Bali, Indonesia


  • The AI implication on the financial sector regulation and regulators.
  • The ethical implication and governance of AI implementation in the financial sector.
  • The potential transformation of central banking practices in the AI-based financial sector.
  • The AI transformation of financial products and its implication to the economy.
  • The institutional arrangement and resources management in AI-based financial sector.

Issues are related, but not limited to Law, Politics, Socioeconomics, Management, Technology, Public Policy.


  • Free registration fee. ((https://submit.confbay.com/conf/jcli2025))
  • Submissions of paper should be in English (between 7.000-10.000 words including footnotes).
  • All submitted papers must strictly follow the guidelines outlined in the JCLI paper template for formatting and layout, which can be accessed at the following linkhttps://jcli-bi.org/index.php/jcli/author-guidelines
  • The citations and references within the paper should comply with the Chicago Manual of Style 17th edition (full note) citation style.
  • All selected papers will be presented at the parallel sessions and each paper will have an assigned discussant (reviewer).
  • Accommodation and travel allowance for the authors of selected papers will be provided by Bank Indonesia  (valid for 1 person only for each paper), with a maximum of IDR 10.000.000, conditional on authors signing a copyright transfer form and letter of commitment.
  • After regular peer review process, all selected papers will be considered for publication in the JCLI


  • Registration and Open Submission: October 15, 2024
  • Due Date for Paper Submisson: February 07, 2025 (EXTENDED DEADLINE)
  • Acceptance Notification of Accepted Papers: February 25, 2025 
  • Conference and Parallel Sessions: April 28, 2025


  1. Section Subdivision

The paper requires clear division and numbered sections. 

  • Sections need to be numbered as follows: I, II, III, …  
  • Sub-sections need to be numbered as follows: I.A, II.A (then A.I. A.II, A.III, …) B, C, etc. For more detail please refer to the provided journal template. 
  • Abstract is not included in section numbering. 
  • Provide appropriate heading for all sections and subsections (each heading should appear on a separate line). 
  • Prefer using tables, graphs, pictures, and diagrams to strengthen the writing.
  1. Introduction

Authors are encouraged to use the following suggestions in order to write the introduction section.  

  • Clearly state your research question/hypothesis 
  • Clearly state the background information on the specific problem or issue that is being addressed. 
  • Clearly state whether your research question is new or innovative (different from literature) 
  • Provide well-articulated motivation for the research question. 
  • Support your research question with appropriate theory, empirical data, and the legal basis. 
  • Briefly reviews any other solutions or approaches that have been tried in the past.
  • It is strongly advised to include ‘Review of literature/Literature review,’ in the introduction Separate section is not necessary. Such a review aims to identify any gap in the research where the author’s paper will fill in that gap as a novelty or contribution to the literature.
  • Explicitly explain the approach taken to address research questions in one paragraph. 
  • In one paragraph, provide summary of the findings. 
  • In two-three paragraphs, discuss the contribution of the paper in detail and be sure to cite appropriate studies.
  1. Literature Review(not necessary that all papers will have a separate section on this but if you do then …)
  • Using scientific journals for reference at least the last 5 years;
  • If using literature more than the last five years then it should be the primary reference by most authors;
  • Identify the gap in the literature that you filled.
  1. Data dan Model/Figure
  • Data should be well described in tables and in graphs. 
  • Ensure to use of data that is consistent with those used in the related literature.
  • Methods (already published) should be summarized and supported by proper references. Any modification methods should be described and motivated in detail.
  1. Result/Finding
  • Provide a detailed description of the result of the legal arguments given.
  • Explain the legal recommendations offered on legal issues described.
  • It is recommended to use example/best practice/comparison so that the arguments presented are stronger.
  • Make a clear comparison from the results of the literature and identify the similarities and differences.
  1. Conclusion
  • Give a short conclusion by answering the problem of the study.
  • Conclusion section should stand alone and should not form a subsection of result discussion. 
  1. Other Consideration
  • Abstract: provide a concise and factual abstract in a maximum of 150 words.
  • Keywordsprovide a maximum of five keywords immediately after abstract.
  • Footnotes: should be consecutively numbered throughout the article.
  • It is recommended to use citation software such as Mendeley, Endnote, Zotero, etc.
  • Qualitative/Quantitative Data must be numbered sequentially throughout the paper as (1), (2), ...
  • Tables and Figures:
  1. submit the editable text and not as images
  2. Tables/figures need to be numbered consecutively in the same order as their appearance in the text.
  3. Place table/figure notes below the table title and above the table.
  4. Ensure using a consistent table.

Reference Style:

  1. Use the ‘Chicago Manual Style 17th Edition’ citation
  2. Citation writing model can be seen at the link (https://www.chicagomanualofstyle.org/tools_citationguide/citation-guide-1.html)


There will be Best Papers Awards with prize money.

Contact Us Address (Secretariat Address & email – only one address required):

Website: www.jcli-bi.org

Email: contact@jcli-bi.org


Journal of Central Banking Law and Institutions (JCLI)

(PRBI-KPRJ) Bank Indonesia B Building, 4th Floor

Jl. M.H. Thamrin No. 2, Central Jakarta, Indonesia

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Free registration fee :